About the Aura Cleansing Helper

I offer a tailor-made body (energy)work for individuals needing thorough aura cleansing service.
I do not follow text book materials or gurus or New Age trends -- your unique and personal energy field will tell me everything that you need to have done. 

I discovered this fascinating gift at the age of seven years old when I used to give massages to my family and friends.

I began to notice people's unspoken pain just by waving my hands few inches above their body. Unwittingly, I learned by accident to somehow suck in people's pain whenever I concentrated waving my hands over.

I learned this was not a safe procedure and sought elsewhere in how to improve my skills in helping people. For 10 years I studied Reiki and became a Reiki master only to discover it drained me.

After retiring from being a Reiki Master - I resumed to my natural state of cleansing people's auras - going back to the full circle of when I naturally and intuitively picked up people's energy as a young child --- I re-taught myself to cleanse people's auras without ever draining myself.

Now I offer my Aura Cleansing service to any one genuinely wanting to balance their own personal energy.

Call now to make an appointment: 971-340-4877


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